mara bishop
Author of
Shining Bright Without Burning Out: Spiritual Tools for Creating Healthy Energetic Boundaries in an Overconnected World (Sounds True Publishing, 2022)
Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys (Kensington, 2021)
Inner Divinity: Crafting Your Life With Sacred Intelligence (2007)
Mara Bishop is the founder of WholeSpirit and the nonprofit Whole Nature Inc. Mara’s books and courses are guides for spiritual practice, communion with nature, creating healthy energetic boundaries, and preventing burnout. In addition to working with individuals and groups in private practice, Mara is a guest lecturer, focusing on our relationships in nature and spiritual aspects of mental health. Her Enatured™ method draws from shamanism and other ecospiritual practices, psychology, mindfulness, and scientific research to create meaningful relationships in our local environments. Mara’s Personal Evolution Counseling™ method provides an integrated approach to spiritual healing, personal growth, and emotional well-being. She lives in Durham, NC with a beloved family of people, animals, and plants.
Twitter / / Represented by Stephany Evans
Shining Bright Without Burning Out: Spiritual Tools for Creating Healthy Energetic Boundaries in an Overconnected World (Sounds True Publishing, 2022)
Turn your sensitivity into a strength with tools and practices for protecting, clearing, and nourishing your energy. Our world is becoming increasingly connected—and not only because of technology. Many of us are waking up to our energetic and spiritual interconnectedness, as well. For those in healing professions, as well as any empathic and sensitive souls, this can feel overwhelming, confusing, and draining. In Shining Bright Without Burning Out, Mara Bishop teaches that we have far more ability to keep our energy healthy and sovereign than many people realize. Drawing from research in neuroscience, psychology, fundamental meditation principles, and time-tested shamanic healing methods, Bishop shows us how to adjust the porousness of our energetic bodies at will, so we can remain both clear and connected. For anyone feeling overstimulated and exhausted by our increasingly overconnected world, Shining Bright Without Burning Out offers a practical and personal guide to staying sane, healthy, and clear.
Shamanism for every day
Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys (Kensington, 2021)
For thousands of years, practitioners of shamanism worldwide have found healing and wisdom by connecting to the spirit that lives in all things. Shamanism is direct revelation. Wherever we are, the powers within the web of life and the keys to our personal and collective evolution are available. These 365 journey topics can be used in any order or as meditations. Shamanism for Every Day offers a valuable guide to anyone searching for a daily connection to the sacred. In addition, it includes instructions for those new to journeying and suggestions for seasonal ceremonies and rituals. Shamanism for Every Day: 365 Journeys helps seed your spiritual practice in your own place and time.
Inner Divinity: Crafting Your Life With Sacred Intelligence (2007)
Inner Divinity is the spirit you were born with. It underlies who you are today. By rediscovering your inner divinity, you hold the key to bringing balance, healing, and joy into your life. Author Mara Bishop, an intuitive and shamanic practitioner, shares much of the wisdom she's conveyed to clients over the past decade.
Inner Divinity contains seven sections that contain exercises for using the concepts practically. Each section covers an area of life where you will benefit by engaging your sacred intelligence: your relationship with yourself, with other people, and with your environment, your intuition, your spiritual support, your health, and your future.
Truly believing and understanding your divine nature is an ongoing process. Inner Divinity shares the personal story and realistic practices of one woman who, through discovering her inner divinity, found peace, power, and a life she loves.